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DIRECted by Bigdrama

Produced by RTBF, LIMITED ADVENTURES, The Wallonia-Brussels Federation, îles de Paix, sos faim, Autre terre

Client - Rtbf, îles de paix, Sos faim, Autre terre

Broadcast on November 30, 2020 on La trois, rtbf


Sur le champ! in a few words/numbers:

In 2017, SOS Faim launched with the NGOs Îles de Paix and Autre Terre into the production of a documentary to highlight, in the four corners of the world, actors who are moving towards a credible agr
oecological model and offering an alternative to agribusiness.

In 2020, while the health crisis reveals a dysfunctional food system and pushes many consumers towards short circuits, this documentary Sur le champ ! is released on the big and small screen. Sur le champ ! makes an unequivocal statement. the agro-food system has reached its limits, since 800 million people still suffer from hunger on earth and the planet is exhausted. Therefore, one of the great challenges of the century is not to produce more, but to produce better. Sur le champ ! demonstrates this to us through the meeting of these farmers who, experiencing similar difficulties in Belgium as in Peru or Burkina Faso, adopt alternative agriculture, on a human scale, family and respectful of the environment.

Despite Covid-19 and health restrictions, Sur le champ ! found its audience by deploying all its strength of awareness and mobilization. Two preview evenings in Brussels brought together nearly 230 spectators in 2020. More than 340 people attended the 3 screenings scheduled in Wallonia and Brussels during THE Alimenterre Festival.

The film also won over the press, sparking 17 articles in the written and online press, 9 interviews and radio columns and 3 television reports. In November 2020, the film was broadcast on television on RTBF's LA Trois, followed by a debate watched by 30,507 spectators. In four months, the film has received more than 3,276 views on RTBF's AUVIO streaming channel.

During the second wave of COVID, Sur le champ ! was broadcast exclusively online via film debates bringing together experts from the North and the South and more than 350 participants. The film also served as an educational tool, notably as part of the JAGROS project aimed at raising awareness among 264 young agronomist students of potential of family farming and food sovereignty.

In 2021, Sur le champ ! continued its journey and found new audiences with programming at festivals in Belgium and abroad, but also on Belgian and French streaming platforms (Auvio,

The rights to the film were purchased by the Arte Belgium channel, which made the film available to the public on its platform throughout 2021.

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